Stephanie Arnett - Empowering Women

Stephanie is passionate about empowering women through self-defense, time management and business skills

Stephanie Arnett

Stephanie Arnett


Name: Stephanie Arnett

Country: USA

Industry: Real Estate & Real Estate Coaching

Business Name: StephArnettMS

Favorite Quote to live by:

Overwhelmed = Underplanned #TomFerry

Stephanie is from the United States and she is passionate about empowering women through self-defense, time management and business skills. Read her incredible story and be inspired

1.  Please give us a bit of background on who you are and what you do?

Joining as a Contributor to #BossBabe, is multi-business owner, #InmanNews Author & #TomFerry Business Coach, Stephanie Arnett. While working fourteen hour days is demanding, she loves the challenges, teamwork and growth. As a wife, mom & entrepreneur, she knows all about being the kid’s taxi, husband’s side-kick & maneuvering employee meltdowns. Stephanie is passionate about empowering women through self-defense, time management and business skills.

2.  What are two business & life lessons you have learned throughout your journey?

1) KINDNESS is not a requirement in the business world.  We all started at the beginning, so be kind to those following in your foot steps

2) Entrepreneurship is more time consuming than I expected, and WAY more fun than I could have hoped for!!  Whether I fail or succeed rests on my shoulders

3.  What advice can you give other entrepreneurs that are struggling to break through the glass ceiling in reaching their goals?

Rejection hurts like hell, but dwelling on it will not move you forward.  You cannot change someone's uneducated opinion, so why bother to?  Move on to someone who recognizes all that you have to offer!!

4.  When & how did your big shift take place?

2014.  The group I worked with was amazing to learn from, but the work environment was sucking the life out of me.  Once I realized I could have it all (fun, great office culture, money, family & love), I jumped ship, and have never looked back.

5.  What inspires and motivates you? What wakes you up every morning, make you get the work done and do it all over again the next day?

My family, the drive I have to learn, and the ability to give.  

6.  How do you differentiate yourself from your competitors? What makes you unique?

Culture.  From clients to coworkers, our team is fun, driven, hard-working and always ahead of the curve.

7.  What do you think is the biggest trend we will see in 2019 within the entrepreneur space?

More women leaving the traditional workforce to push their "side hustle" into a full-fledged business

Stephanie Arnett - Woman Entrepreneur

