If your business requires any kind of selling or connecting with other business people, then really care about just 1 thing: the ability to reach people, build relationships and get them to buy without having to spend hours walking them across the line. As it turns out, this ability to reach people anywhere in the world, build relationships and get them to buy is the difference between making $1 000 and $1 million and more. If you need an image in your mind of making $1 million, just picture a successful business with lots of clients that pay you what you’re worth and send you more business.

I ask you this, have you been cold calling or knocking doors? Then you’re the last of your kind because the technology of selling has made huge advantages in the last 5 years. There is no need to speak to unqualified leads anymore. You can find and reach out directly to the person you are looking for. This seems like great news for a company like yourself and most businesses in general

So what’s the problem here?

Why is there an opportunity in this market? Why am I here? Adrian Gore, the founder of Discovery once said, “becoming an entrepreneur is like jumping out of an airplane with silk worms instead of a parachute and hoping that they are over-achievers!” Many people have tried to create a system to get clients on LinkedIn that can be understood and used by the non-technical business owner. Few succeeded. Why? Because it’s hard. You can’t just set up a profile and expect people to come rushing through the door. Trying to figure out how to set up ads is not high on most business owners’ lists.

So, I’m going to share 7 tips you can use right now to get high quality clients from LinkedIn without spending a cent on advertising.

1. The mindset

Your mindset for success on LinkedIn needs to be one of business and getting things done. That’s why people are there. It’s not other social media channels where you share what you had for breakfast and where you have been on holiday, it is a place of business. Which means people are there to do business. Yes, you want to build relationships, but you can also pick up clients from one message. It’s has been the fastest converting platform I have seen. Make sure your offer is ready and you are going in with clear intent.

2. Your profile

Your profile page should be a sales page. People are coming to your profile to see how you can help them and if they want to interact with you on any level. Your sole focus on your profile should be how you can help people solve the problems they are facing in their business.

Make sure you have the following in place:

A professional profile picture

A background picture that tells people what you do

A summary that is focused entirely on how you help people solve problems

A clear call to action at the end of your summary that takes them to more information about you

Testimonials so people can see what results you help achieve

3. Invest in Sales Navigator

Having a paid profile is key. Only 7% of LinkedIn users are using paid profiles, which means the opportunity to capitalize on this is huge. When you use Sales Navigator, it allows you to specifically target your ideal client anywhere in the world.

You can go deep and segment your audience by many different attributes such as:

Geography | Post code | Title | Industry | Company headcount | Seniority | Years in current position | And much more If you are looking to find directors of larger accounting firms that have between a 50 – 500 company head count, you can do that – so it’s super targeted.

4. Connection Strategy

Once you have edited your profile, set your goal to connect with 30 people per day and focus not only on your ideal clients, but also suppliers, media houses and other people or industries you want to connect with. This will help you grow your connection base and be seen as a person of influence. You will see initially that you will be doing a lot of hard work, but there will be a point where people will start reaching out to connect with you. This is a numbers game. Set aside 30 minutes each day to do this and your business will change. The more focused you get, the faster you will see results. When you connect with someone, add in a personal message as they will be more likely to accept so you can start the conversation.

5. Ask for what you want

As stated before, this is a place where people come to do business. Have a direct conversation, tell them why you want to connect and what your intentions are. If you are looking to get clients fast, then I have found that the more direct you are, the better people will tell you if they are interested or not. If they tell you they are not interested, you can still keep them as a connection and you can keep in contact for a later stage. Tell them how you can help them and ask them if they are looking for that kind of help and want to have a conversation. Then you start to build the relationship, ask for a meeting and see where it takes you

6. Consistency & Follow Up

LinkedIn will notify you when it is someone’s birthday, work anniversary, when they have a new job or change their title. Even when they post articles. This gives you the perfect opportunity and reason to connect with them and be top of mind. Send them a message on each of these occasions, remind them that you are still there and give them an opportunity to take a look at who you are and what you are doing. Each time you reach out to them, give them your contact details and let them know how you can help them or simply just offer to help. People are always looking for help in their businesses and good help is hard to find these days – be their shining light.

7. Pro Tip

Write all your copy before you even start out. Your implementation time and success will be so much faster. Make it as personal as possible and write from the heart to really connect with people. You will see more success than you can handle If you use these techniques, you will be able to pick up your first client from LinkedIn in as little as a week. If you need some inspiration, go and check out my profile, connect with me and ask me some questions.

Too your success on LinkedIn

Accredited Author - Matt Clark